Ky’a Jackson: Establishing Vision and Creativity in Designing Processes to Support DEI Programs
Corporate Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion leader (DEI) Ky'a Jackson has a proven track record of executing DEI strategy, establishing, and managing employee resource groups (ERGs),...
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Leading the World to Making it a Better Place
In this edition “World’s Most Successful Black Women to Watch in 2022”, World’s Leaders features black woman leaders from variety of sector who are thriving in leadership and leading with best practices and strategies to take their idea into action. The cover features Corporate Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion leader (DEI) Ky’a Jackson has a proven track record of executing DEI strategy, establishing, and managing employee resource groups (ERGs), and developing internship programs in the fields of healthcare, telecommunications, and technology. She is an expert in the strategic integration of DEI partnerships, programs, and initiatives. She is results-oriented, has experience defining vision and designing procedures to support diversity and inclusion initiatives, and is an authentic leader who guides employees at all levels through the organization’s DEI journey. She has consistently been recognized for extraordinary efforts that advance DEI strategy and elevate DEI as a priority.
Deep racial inequalities still exist at every level of the nation’s largest and most highly valued companies, according to a USA Today analysis, more than a year after George Floyd’s murder sparked corporate commitments to change, sharply divergent outcomes for people of color, especially women, result.
Only 64% of White women share 84% of Black women’s belief that discrimination against women exists. What does it mean to be at the nexus of race and gender while also frequently being rendered invisible by both identities?
Black women have luminous, nuanced tales to share. But on occasion, individuals put their life-changing experiences aside to present themselves in more racially neutral settings. In this edition “World’s Most Successful Black Women to Watch in 2022” has many inspiring black women’s stories like Ky’a Jackson.
Also, while you flip through the pages, don’t forget to read the articles created by our in-house editorial staff and industry experts.
Have a lovely read!