World’s Inspiring Women Leaders Making A Difference, 2023

Project Listings

Writing New Definition of Leadership

World’s Leaders latest edition “World’s Inspiring Women Leaders Making A Difference, 2023” features female leaders from a variety of sectors who are thriving in leadership and leading with best practices and methods to put their ideas into action. The cover has Tamira Samuel, Co-Executive Director at ULF. She is marking a significant milestone in her illustrious career. Her unwavering commitment to transforming educational landscapes and her extensive experience in both education and public policy have earned her recognition as a trailblazer in the field.

Highly successful executives cannot be categorized into a particular mold, as demonstrated by the medium-sized, unorthodox firms where women managers have smashed the glass ceiling. They have shown that there are other ways to achieve success than command-and-control management, which is frequently used by men in large, well-established corporations.

The business women of today are creating a new road to the top by utilizing particular aspects of their gender education. They are seeking out and seizing chances to show their ability to produce results—in a unique way—in organizations that are rapidly developing and expanding. Instead, then failing in spite of traits that are typically seen as “feminine” and inappropriate for leaders, they are succeeding because of them.  “World’s Inspiring Women Leaders Making A Difference, 2023” has many names like Tamira Samuel who are adopting attitudes and actions that are more geared toward becoming a successful business leader, they are doing it by relying on their shared experiences as women.

Also, while you flip through the pages, don’t forget to read the articles created by our in-house editorial staff and industry experts.

Lovely read!