World’s Influential Leaders Shaping The Future of Insurance Industry, 2023

Project Listings

Taking New Approach in the World of Insurance

World’s Leaders latest edition World’s Influential Leaders Shaping the Future of Insurance Industry, 2023 has created a list of insurance leaders that have been successful in leading some of the top organizations working in industries. The cover has David Contorno, Founder & CEO at E Powered Benefits, a trailblazing figure in the insurance industry. He was one of the first to raise his voice against traditional insurance carriers and the negative impact they have on employers, clinicians, and patients. Having a wealth of experience in agency ownership, David previously ran successful consulting firms. However, he decided to take a different approach and established a fully transparent, anti-BUCAH (Benefits, Underwriting, Claims, Administration, and Healthcare) brokerage. The main focus of his brokerage is to create health plans that empower employers to control costs and prioritize high-quality, affordable care for all the covered patients.

Given that the nature of work has altered significantly over the past two years would be an understatement. Senior executives are investigating new personnel strategies that are in line with employees’ requirements and preferences, even though the insurance business reacted to the most recent developments quickly and nimbly. Ultimately, this is a long-term issue. In order to ensure that we have a large pool of skilled leaders in the future, new strategies must be adopted now.

Rethinking the workplace is necessary for insurers to draw in, keep, nurture, and promote talent. It is a challenge for senior executives to balance meeting the requirements and preferences of their workforce with maintaining team engagement and productivity. The way insurers employ has to adapt, and they must consider situations where remote and hybrid work well. World’s Influential Leaders Shaping the Future of Insurance Industry, 2023has many names from insurance industry like David Contorno who put their business up for long-term success by preparing for the workforce of the future.

Also, while you flip through the pages, don’t forget to read the articles created by our in-house editorial staff and industry experts.

Have a lovely read!