World’s Impactful Leaders Making a Footprint in Healthcare, 2023

Project Listings

Heading to a Healthy Future

World’s Leaders latest edition “World’s Impactful Leaders Making a Footprint in Healthcare, 2023” has featured healthcare leaders who are making new paths of resilience and determination, and transforming the whole sector. The cover David Contorno, Founder & CEO at E Powered Benefits, is a trailblazing figure in the insurance industry. He was one of the first to raise his voice against traditional insurance carriers and the negative impact they have on employers, clinicians, and patients. Having a wealth of experience in agency ownership, David previously ran successful consulting firms. However, he decided to take a different approach and established a fully transparent, anti-BUCA (Blue Cross, United, Cigna, and Aetna, the 4 largest carriers in the US) brokerage. The main focus of his brokerage is to create health plans that empower employers to control costs and prioritize high-quality, affordable care for all the covered patients.

In the past few years, the healthcare sector has faced more significant changes, both positive and negative, than any other sector. The challenges have been very drastic, as we saw during the pandemic, but these challenges were also the reason that forced the world to look after those hidden healthcare challenges that were never addressed before.

The challenges in healthcare are significant, and advancing technology is not a mere solution. Addressing those challenges properly at ground level is also very important. Having impactful leadership is one of the many primary aspects of transforming the industry. Sectors like healthcare require leadership that not only has visionary ideas but also the determination to put those ideas into action. “World’s Impactful Leaders Making a Footprint in Healthcare, 2023” has many names like David Contorno who are having vision and determination to address global healthcare challenges positively.

Also, while you flip through the pages, don’t forget to read the articles created by our in-house editorial staff and industry experts.

Have a Lovely Read!