World’s Inspiring Business Women Making a Difference, 2023

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Making New Approach

World’s Leaders celebrates the accomplishments of women business leaders in its upcoming edition World’s Inspiring Businesswomen Making a Difference, 2023. The cover features Vanessa Kahlon, Executive Director and Founder of KFS SCHOOL, a transformative educational experience that empowers students to achieve their goals through social and emotional learning. Vanessa Kahlon, a family interventionist, family advocate, and educator, realized there was a huge need for programs and services that may assist children with behavior problems holistically by modeling behaviors and using certain phases for the children to reflect on their own conduct, “The 3R’s Method.” She observed while working in the sector that there is a much larger issue at hand with little or no answers, particularly in light of the pandemic and youngsters behaving badly. Like the inquisitive mind of any other entrepreneur, Vanessa sought to close the gaps.

Women in leadership serve as inspiration to young women and girls who are contemplating a career in corporate field, demonstrating that business leadership can be a fulfilling and rewarding career path for women and that they can attain the highest echelons of success in the industry.

The evolution of women’s involvement in business has led to significant contributions to the field. World’s Inspiring Businesswomen Making a Difference, 2023 hhas featured many women leaders like Vanessa Kahlon who have been a crucial part of the corporate world and are now occupying prominent positions in various companies, directing marketing plans and influencing the industry.

Also, while you flip through the pages, don’t forget to read the articles created by our in-house editorial staff and industry experts.

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